I've now entered the blogging world!  It's something I've thought about doing for quite some time.  But life is busy.  Since life is busy, I'll use this to write about experiences and ideas and people that are especially meaningful to me, and maybe they'll be meaningful to you also.
It's a beautiful, cool day in the Southern Nevada desert.  It's the kind of day where some brilliant blue sky breaks through lingering rain clouds. We will go for a little family hike--one of my favorite things to do with my  Jeremiah and Matthew! It will be a good day. 

Sarah Jane
12/15/2012 02:51:38 am

Love you Buff! This is a great idea!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of sweet Matthew Man!!!

Larry Riley
12/16/2012 03:36:43 am

Southern Nevada can be nice, but that baby is Super-Cute.

David Hunter
12/18/2012 03:55:13 am

I love that picture!

11/15/2022 01:44:55 pm

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    I'm Elizabeth.  My mom taught me to sew and to love life and people. My blog is inspired by her.


    December 2012

